Legal rulings and opinions to date
Below is a partial list of the legal rulings and opinions of the court. They are collected from the legal proceedings of the nascent Sanhedrin and its subcourts. Most of them were originally issued in Hebrew, with a minority in English. A translation to English is provided when available. It is possible to see a list of urgent and important public announcements here.
The Sanhedrin Initiative consists of the nascent Sanhedrin, four subcourts and more than a dozen committees.[1]
The courts and committees function within the charters they have been given by the "Special Court for the Executive Oversight of the Sanhedrin", but they may functional independently. Views expressed by subcourts and committees of the Sanhedrin Initiative, in general, have not be reviewed by the nascent Sanhedrin and as such they carry only the authority that a regular Jewish court of law or committee would hold.
Besides their normal function, these courts and committees are to develop "expert legal opinions" and "legal briefs" that may be used at a future date when a full sanhedrin may decide on these issues. Until that time, their views do not necessarily reflect the binding decision of a Sanhedrin, or even the views of all the members of the Sanhedrin Initiative.
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This page is incomplete due to the webmaster being behind in posting, please send email for any specific questions.
- 1 Sanhedrin Initiative
- 2 Special Court for Matters Concerning the Nation and the State
- 3 Committee for Army and Security (War Cabinet)
- 4 Legal Adjudication for Soldiers
- 5 Committee for the Administrative and Civil Re-organization of the Jewish People
- 6 Economic Commission
- 7 Health and Ecology Commission
- 8 Committee concerning the fixing of the Calendar
- 9 Committee for the exact site of the Holy Temple and Altar
- 10 Committee concerning the Korban Pesach
- 11 Sanhedrin for the dispersed of Israel
- 12 International Court of Law
- 13 Jerusalem Court for Issues of Bnei Noah
- 14 References
Sanhedrin Initiative
- The Rabbis’ Call for Jews to urgently immigrate to the Land of Israel (Cheshvon 27, 5785, 28 November 2024)
- Peace and blessings to all Jews living in all parts of the Diaspora. (Cheshvan 10, 5785, 11 November 2024)
- Ruling of the Rabbinical Court on the Matter of Aliyah to the Land of Israel (Cheshvan 10, 5785, 11 November 2024)
- We call on every Jew to protest in any legal way possible against the impure "pride" (Av 10, 5783, 19 July 2023)
- The proper form of legislature for the Nation of Israel, a legal system founded on the Torah (22 Kislev 5770, 9 December 2009)
- Shofar blowing on Rosh Hashanah which occurs on the Sabbath - Summary (3 Tishrei 5770, 21 Sep 2009)
- Shofar blowing on Rosh Hashanah which occurs on the Sabbath in Jerusalem according to Rabban Yochanan ben Zakai (27 Elul 5769, 16 Sep 2009)
- Letter of the Sanhedrin to Jewish People and the Nations of the World (25 Sivan 5769, 17 June 2009)
- Letter of the Sanhedrin to Jewish communities around the world (13 Adar 5769, 9 March 2009)
- Conference on extra-parliamentary Jewish government (29 Tishrei 5769, 28 October 2008)
- The Sanhedrin Court and the Jewish people (8 Av 5768, 9 August 2008)
- Sanhedrin Bulletin #1 (9 Nisan 5768, 14 April 2008)
- "The amount of an Olive" (9 Nisan 5768, 14 April 2008)
- How to handle the purchasing of produce during the sabbatical year (9 Nisan 5768, 14 April 2008)
- Praying in a synagogue of a different liturgical rite (9 Nisan 5768, 14 April 2008)
- A call to the nations of the world for world peace. (9 Nisan 5768, 14 April 2008)
- Declaration to President George W. Bush (28 Tevet 5768, 6 January 2008)
- Annual Sanhedrin Conference 5767 (10 Adar 5767, 28 Feb 2007)
- Blowing the Shofer on Shabbat by a Beit Din of Semuchim (3 Tishrei 5767, 25 Sep 2006)
- The announcement by the Sanhedrin concerning of the holiness of Israel and commandment of serving the L-rd. (15 Av 576, 9 Aug 2006)
- The judicial and public goals of the Sanhedrin and the manners for their implementation. (5 Av 5766, 30 Jul 2006)
- Annual Sanhedrin Conference 5766 (10 Tevet 5766, 10 Jan 2006)
- Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz elected as Nasi of the Sanhedrin (21 Elul 5765, 6 Jun 2005)
- Liturgical ruling on Rachem prayer for Tisha BeAv services 5765
- Addressing the Kashrus (permissibility) of Pheasant and Quail 5765
- Liturgical ruling on Birchat HaMazon prayer according to its various formulations 5765
- The religious and secular authorization of a minor court 5765
- Ceremony of the re-establishment of the Sanhedrin (10 Shevat 5765, 20 Jan 2004)
- Renewal of Semicha and the Sanhedrin in Israel (28 Tishrei 5765, 13 Oct 2003)
- Renewal of Semicha (28 Tishrei 5764, 24 Oct 2002)
Special Court for Matters Concerning the Nation and the State
- We establish a spiritual investigation committee - a court of repentance (Av 7, 5774, 11 August 2024)
- Demand for the Immediate Cancellation of the Nuclear Deal with Iran (Tamuz 29, 5775, 16 July 2015)
- Demand for apology from the Vatican concerning their recognition of Palestine (Sivan 3, 5775, 21 May 2015)
- Release of Terrorists by Israeli Government (Elul 14, 5773, 20 August 2013)
- Month of reversals, when Jews vanquish their enemies [Israel] Supreme Court is more dangerous than Goldstone report (Adar 4, 5770, 18 February 2010)
- Visit of Sheikh Palazzi to the Knesset - hosted by MK Michael Ben-Ari (Teves 20, 5770, 6 January 2009)
- Zvia Sariel released today after false arrest (Teves 2, 5770, 19 December 2009)
- Rabbi Eliezer Melamed compared to those of the Maccabees (Teves 1, 5770, 18 December 2009)
- Mosque Arson: Attack on a House of Worship of the One G-d, Regardless of Circumstance, is to be Condemned (Kislev 26, 5770, 13 December 2009)
- Declaration of the Jewish Nation's sovereignty over Judea and Samaria, and Application of the principles of Torah (Kislev 5, 5770, 22 November 2009)
- Decision on the matter of Tzvia Sariel and accompanying decisions regarding arranging court hearings (Kislev 3, 5770, 20 November 2009)
- Concerning the book "Torat Malchut (Laws of Sovereignty) - Capital offenses between Israel and foreign nationals" (Cheshvan 30, 5770, 17 November 2009)
- Concerning the Inappropriate Police Search of the Girls from Ramat Migron (Cheshvan 28, 5770, 15 November 2009)
- Sanhedrin's Objection to the Regional Planning Outline for the City of Jerusalem (Cheshvan 24, 5770, 11 November 2009)
- Compensation for Rioters (Cheshvan 15, 5770, 2 November 2009)
- Sanhedrin message about Shimon Peres' visit to HaRav HaGaon Yosef Shalom Elyashiv shlit"a (24 Tishrei, 5770, 12 October 2009)
- Statement to the media of vigorous protest to the taking over of the public domain by Christian elements during the Succot holiday (14 Tishrei, 5770, 2 October 2009)
- Declaration of the Rabbis of Israel regarding the Convocations of Gentiles in Jerusalem on Succot-Tabernacles (13 Tishrei, 5770, 1 October 2009)
- Regarding the sale / rental of real estate to non-Jews in Israel at this time (Av 23, 5769, 13 August 2009)
- Concerning Minister of Defence Ehud Barak going to Washington (6 Tamuz 5769, 28 June 2009)
- Court ruling on the uprooting of "outposts" by the Israeli government (Sivan 5, 5769, 28 May 2009)
- Discussion of the strategic dangers, nuclear and its infrastructure (Iyyar 24 5769, 18 May 2009)
- National Conference on Imminent Threats to the Nation (Iyyar 24 5769, 18 May 2009)
- The insult of the Pope's visit to the Temple Mount on Lag Ba'Omer (Iyyar 18 5769, 12 May 2009)
- Letter of heads of state about the Pope's visit (4 Iyyar 5769, 29 March 2009)
- On the transfer of national, religious, and spiritual assets to foreign sovereignty (1 Nisan 5769, 26 March 2009)
- Declaration Concerning the Coming Elections (Shevat 17 5769, 11 February 2009)
- The Petition of Rananah (Larissa) Amir – the wife of prisoner Yigal Amir (22 Tevet 5769, 26 January 2009)
- Statement of the Sanhedrin’s Court regarding the "Peace House" (8 Kislev 5769, 5 December 2008)
- Submission of objections to the District Council of the Interior Ministry's outline plan for the city of Jerusalem (24 Tishrei 5769, 23 October 2008)
- Concerning the question of bring the remains of Tzaddikim, Rabbi Nahman of Breslov in particular, to the Holy Land (7 Ellul 5768, 7 September 2008)
- Private citizens do not have to wait for security forces when terrorists attack or suspected of attacking (13 Tamuz 5768, 17 July 2008)
- Responsibility of Torah Sages for the Pride Parade (16 Sivan 5768, 19 June 2008)
- Court ruling on the case of Rivka Meirchik (29 Iyyar 5768, 3 June 2008)
- Court order asking the respondent to release the petitioner immediately, arrest illegal (28 Iyyar 5768, 2 June 2008)
- Urgent request to cancel charges, and immediately release the accused (27 Iyyar 5768, 1 June 2008)
- The court ruled on two cases concerning the Chalmish brothers, Itzik and Dani, as well as Rivka Meirchik (23 Iyyar 5768, 28 May 2008)
- Urgent petition concerning the release of prisoners (27 Nisan 5768, 2 May 2008)
- Obligation to oppose the "gay march" (9 Nisan 5768, 14 April 2008)
- [Palestinian-Israeli] Prisoner Exchanges (9 Nisan 5768, 14 April 2008)
- Court ruling concerning Dani and Itzik Chalmish (4 Nisan 5768 8 April 2008)
- 'Let animals live' organization appeals against the Symposium on Korban Pesach (28 Adar II 5768, 4 April 2008)
- Clarification on the court ruling concerning Tzvia Sariel (10 Adar II 5768, 17 March 2008)
- Court Ruling concerning Tzvia Sariel (9 Adar II 5768, 16 March 2008)
- Expulsion of Jews from Hebron and strengthening the soldiers refused to comply (23 Av 5767, 7 August 2007)
- The conviction of Chaim Ramon the failure of the justice system! (13 Shevat 5767, 1 Feb 2007)
- Second Summons of the court to OC Central Command Major-General Yair Navehs (28 Tevet 5767, 18 Jan 2007)
- Call for public fasts, Demographic issues, Basic Law, and a conscious change concerning settling the Land of Israel. (28 Kislev 5767, 19 Dec 2006)
- Concerning the arrest of Rabbi Yisrael Ariel for interrogation (16 Kislev 5767, 7 Dec 2006)
- Justices of the Special Court for Matters Concerning the Nation and the State interrogated (28 Cheshvon 5767, 20 Nov 2006)
- Legal decision concerning police officers who are called to perform their duties for the "Parade of Abomination" (17 Cheshvon 5767, 8 Nov 2006)
- Summons of the court to OC Central Command Major-General Yair Naveh concerning his "administrative detention" orders (16 Cheshvon 5767, 7 Nov 2006)
- Announcement concerning the "Gay Pride Parade" in Jerusalem (9 Cheshvon 5767, 31 Oct 2006)
- Decision concerning redemption of captives (12 Tishrei 5767, 4 Oct 2006)
- Concerning the Officer who ordered the expulsion of Jewish families, and preventing his being called to the Torah. (20 Ellul 5766, 13 Sep 2006)
- Summary of decisions for the Sanhedrin's session during the month of Av (concerning the war) (14 Av 5766, 8 Aug 2006)
- The Israeli court system: its persecution of Rabbinical authorities; and secularizing the Jewish state through granting of citizenship to foreign workers (24 Sivan 5766, 20 Jun 2006)
- Concerning recent Supreme Court's rulings (19 Iyyar 5766, 18 May 2006)
- Concerning the Supreme Court's application of the conclusions of the Tal Commission. (13 Iyyar 5766, 11 May 2006)
- Announcement concerning "Beit Shapira" in Hebron (6 Iyyar 5766, 4 May 2006)
- Concerning the upcoming State Elections (21 Adar 5766, 21 Mar 2006)
- The Authority of the Government depends on Jewish Law (5 Adar 5766, 5 Mar 2006)
- Concerning the community of Amona (5 Shevat 5766, 3 Feb 2006)
- Concerning Mitzpeh Shalhevet in Hebron (3 Shevat 5766, 1 Feb 2006)
- Concerning Human Rights, the rights of "Prisoner of Zion", Ofer Gamliel, his hunger strike, and the conspiring against such activists (9 Elul 5765, 13 Sep 2005)
- To the imprisoned daughters of Israel (9 Elul 5765, 13 Sep 2005)
- Is it permitted to take advantage of the governments compensation plan for evacuees? (9 Elul 5765, 13 Sep 2005)
- Concerning the Disengagement from Gaza (26 Adar I 5765, 7 Mar 2005)
Committee for Army and Security (War Cabinet)
- We call for increasing rights in preparation for the entry of the Jewish people into Lebanon (Elul 24, 5784, 25 September 2024)
- We call on all Jews to gather and stand up for themselves against the danger of the multi-front war (Adar I 17, 5774, 26 February)
- The Expulsion of the Banner Wavers from the Hesder track (Teves 28, 5770, 14 January 2010)
- Regarding the Settlement Freeze and the Release of Terrorists (Kislev 14, 5770, 1 December 2009)
- Commission of enquiry regarding the results of the military action “Operation Cast Lead” in Gaza during winter 5769 (2009) (9 Shevat 5769, 3 February 2009)
- Regarding the Military Action in the Gaza Strip (10 Tevet 5769, 6 January 2009)
- Demand for the cancellation of service of women in the army (19 Adar II 5768, 26 March 2008)
- A commission of inquiry in the actions of the police during the terrorist attack on Merkaz HaRav rabbinical college in Jerusalem. (5 Adar II 5768, 12 March 2008)
- Decision concerning military retaliation (5 Adar II 5768, 12 March 2008)
- Comments and recommendations concerning the government's position on security matters, and its policy on the territorial integrity of the Land of Israel (12 Kislev 5767, 3 Dec 2006)
- Decision concerning laws of warfare (24 Cheshvon 5767, 15 Nov 2006)
- An announcement by the leadership council of the Sanhedrin concerning the war in Lebanon (21 Av 5766, 15 Aug 2006)
- The Prime Minister's abandonment of responsibility in the midst of battle. (9 Av 5766, 3 Aug 2006)
- An announcement by the [Sanhedrin's] war cabinet on behalf of the leadership council of the Sanhedrin concerning the war (3 Av 5766, 28 Jul 2006)
- Supporting the war in Lebanon (22 Tamuz 5766, 18 Jul 2006)
- Permissibility of responding to an attack that originates from within or near civilian population centers during wartime (24 Sivan 5766, 20 Jun 2006)
- Concerning the Palestinian Authority (5 Iyyar 5766, 3 May 2006)
Legal Adjudication for Soldiers
- Opening a car parking lot gate on the Shabbat (10 Iyyar 5768, 15 May 2008)
- Additional reports, analysis & opinion
Committee for the Administrative and Civil Re-organization of the Jewish People
- Jewish Civil Society throughout the Ages (3 Tevet 5769, 30 December 2008)
- Sources: Jewish Civil Society throughout the Ages (20 Kislev 5769, 17 December 2008)
- Membership letter (25 Ellul 5768, 25 September 2008)
Economic Commission
- Concerning attempts to boycott products produced in the 'West Bank' (23 Kislev 5767, 14 Dec, 2006
- Purchasing Practices to Encourage Torah Principles 5765, 2004
Health and Ecology Commission
- Opinion of the Sanhedrin Court [Health and Ecology Commission], concerning the Mexico Flu vaccine (also known as Swine Flu) (28 Cheshvon 5770, 15 November 2009)
- The distinction between Ecology and Environmental Quality (26 Tishrei 5770, 14 October 2009)
- Preservation of the Environment from a Jewish perspective (9 Nisan 5768, 14 April 2008)
Committee concerning the fixing of the Calendar
- New Moon of Iyyar 5768 sighted (1 Iyyar 5768, 6 May 2008)
- Court hears testimony on New Moon of Iyyar 5768 (2 Iyyar 5768, 7 May 2008)
- Ruling on New Moon of Iyyar 5768 (2 Iyyar 5768, 7 May 2008)
- New Moon of Sivan 5768 sighted (1 Sivan 5768, 4 June 2009)
- New Moon of Tamuz 5768 sighted (1 Tamuz 5768, 4 July 2009)
- New Moon of Av 5768 sighted (1 Av 5768, 2 August 2009)
- New Moon of Ellul 5768 sighted (1 Ellul 5768, 1 September 2009)
- New Moon of Tishrei 5769 (1 Tishrei 5769, 30 September 2009)
- New Moon of Cheshvan NOT sighted 5769 (2 Cheshvan 5769, 30 October 2009)
- New Moon of Kislev sighted 5769 (2 Kislev 5769, 29 November 2009)
- New Moon of Tevet NOT sighted 5769 (1 Tevet 5769, 28 December 2009)
- New Moon of Shevat 5769 sighted (2 Shevat 5769, 27 January 2009)
- Ruling on New Moon of Shevat 5769 (3 Shevat 5769, 28 January 2009)
- New Moon of Adar 5769 sighted (2 Adar 5769, 26 February 2009)
- New Moon of Adar 5769 sighted (2 Adar 5769, 26 February 2009)
- New Moon of Nissan 5769 sighted] (2 Nissan 5769, 27 March 2009)
- New Moon of Iyyar 5769 sighted] (2 Iyyar 5769, 26 April 2009)
- Additional sightings
Committee for the exact site of the Holy Temple and Altar
- Decision of the Sanhedrin concerning the exact location of the Temple on the Temple Mount (30 Shevat 5765 , 9 Feb 2005)
- Members of the Sanhedrin ascend to the Temple Mount (26 Kislev 5765, 9 Dec 2004)
- The Sanhedrin's decision regarding the Holy Temple, the Temple Mount, and Jerusalem (28 Iyyar 5765, 19 May 2004)
Committee concerning the Korban Pesach
- Appeal to the [Israel] Supreme Court for speedy hearing (11 Nissan 5768, 16 April 2008)
- Appeal to the [Decision of the [Israel] Supreme Court today, and the request of attorney Aviad Visuli for shortened procedures (9 Nissan 5768, 14 April 2008)
- Programs designed to setup a minimal altar on the Temple Mount in preparation for Passover this year (9 Nissan 5768, 14 April 2008)
- Conference on Korban Pesach (1 Nissan 5768, 6 April 2008)
- 'Let animals live' organization appeals against the Symposium on Korban Pesach (28 Adar II 5768, 4 April 2008)
- Discussion with Police for Korban Pesach (10 Nissan 5767, 29 March 2007)
- Request to Supreme Court to allow Korban Pesach (10 Nissan 5767, 29 March 2007)
- Request to Prime Minister to allow Korban Pesach (10 Nissan 5767, 29 March 2007)
- Korban Pesach Project (6 Nissan 5767, 25 Mar 2007)
- Sanhedrin to attempt to bring Korban Pesach (10 Adar 5767, 28 Feb 2007)
Sanhedrin for the dispersed of Israel
- Letter from the Sanhedrin to the Crypto Jews (Tishrei 5, 5785, 7 October 2024)
- Death Threats on Sheikh Salim al-Hozeil (Cheshvan 15, 5770, 28 October 2009)
- Meeting with Bedouins - Summary (Tishrei 27, 5770, 15 October 2009)
- Meeting of Our State - Jew and Bedouin (Tishrei 25, 5770, 13 October 2009)
- Tsvi Misinai's Presentation to the Sanhedrin concerning of the Jewish Descent of Palestinians (Av 19, 5769, 9 August 2009)
International Court of Law
- Letter to the Secretary General of the U.N. regarding the Goldstone Report (11 Cheshvan 5770, 2 November 2009)
- Immediate Injunction to Prohibit the U.N. Security Council from discussing the Goldstone Report (30 Tishrei 5770, 18 October 2009)
- Establishment of Committee to Investigate Goldstone Report (20 Tishrei 5770, 8 October 2009)
- Damages caused to us by the State of Spain and what is the known as the "Holy Inquisition" (8 Adar 5769, 4 March 2009)
- NTDTV television protesting before the court of the Sanhedrin against the satellite company for the unilateral abrogation of an agreement (12 Av 5768, 14 August 2009)
- Final Decision regarding Falong Gong vs. People’s Republic of China (12 Tamuz 5768, 15 July 2009)
Jerusalem Court for Issues of Bnei Noah
- Meeting and interview with Adnan Oktar (15 Kislev 5770, 1 December 2009)
- Question and answer with Sheikh Abdul Hadi Palazzi on the teachings of Bnei Noah (9 Cheshvon 5770, 27 October 2009)
- Sanhedrin Rabbis meet with Adnan Oktar (9 Tamuz 5769, 1 July 2009)
- Statement of Policy Regarding the Courts' Contacts with non-Jews (9 Nisan 5769, 3 April 2009))
- The nations of the world acceptance of Noahide law (9 Nisan 5768, 14 April 2008)
- Sanhedrin: Non-Jews have the right to worship on the Temple Mount (13 Iyyar 5767, 1 May 2007)
- Arrangement of prayers for Noahides (9 Nisan 5768, 14 April 2008)
- Appointment of Mr. Roger Grattan as diplomatic emissary (5 Shevat 5767, 24 January 2007)
- What is the meaning of the Noahide Oath? (6 Tevet 5767, 27 Dec 2006)
- Who is a Noahide? (6 Tevet 5767, 27 Dec 2006)
- What are the Seven Laws? (6 Tevet 5767, 27 Dec 2006)
- Set of core literature to base rulings (6 Tevet 5767, 27 Dec 2006)
- Halachic Basis of Operation of the Beis Din (6 Tevet 5767, 27 Dec 2006)
- Recognition of Noahide Councils by the Sanhedrin, and the Court for Bnei Noah (16 Cheshvon 5767, 7 Nov 2006)
- Statement of Clarification (28 Nissan 5766, 26 Apr 2006)
- Concerning of the independence of the"United Noachide Council" (8 Nissan 5766, 6 Apr 2006)
- B´nai Noach Stand Before Sanhedrin, Request Approval For Council (10 Tevet 5766, 10 Jan 2006)
- Establish Council For Noahides (24 Elul 5765, 28 Sep 2005)
- Questions and Answers on Bnei Noah by Rav Yoel Shwartz (6 Nisan 5765, April 15, 2005)
Other Languages
- Legal rulings and opinions to date
- Leadership Council
- Special Court for Matters Concerning the Nation and the State
- Committee of State
- Committee for Army and Security (War Cabinet)
- Legal Adjudication for Soldiers
- Committee for Civil Re-organization
- Committee for the Selection of National Leadership
- Special Court for Selection of Members of the Sanhedrin
- Committee for the Recruitment of Additional Scholars to the Sanhedrin
- Education Commission
- Economic Commission
- Health and Ecology Commission
- Committee Concerning the Rights and Responsibilities of non-Jews in the Jewish State
- Committee for Religious Renewal
- Committee concerning the fixing of the Calendar
- Committee for the exact site of the Holy Temple and Altar
- Committee concerning the Korban Pesach
- Sanhedrin for the dispersed of Israel
- International Court of Law
- Jerusalem Court for Issues of Bnei Noah
- Committee on Organizational Matters
- Committee for Recommendation of Initiatives
- Communications Committee
- Partnership with Academic Societies