The Sanhedrin English The Sanhedrin English

Special Court for Matters Concerning the Nation and the State


The purpose of this court is to rule on disputes between citizens and the state. Chief Justice: Rabbi Yisrael Ariel (Rabbi Ariel also serves as the head of the Machon HaMikdash)

The historical government of the Jewish people involves a bicameral parliamentary system. This includes the Sanhedrin, a deliberative body similar to the upper house or chamber of a legislature, and an ordinary parallel lower house which represents the needs of the population.[1]

Today a Jewish "Congressional Assembly" in this form does not exist. Since 1948, there exists a socialist, secular government that exercises civil authority in the majority of the Land of Israel. Although this government is made up largely of Jews, it is increasingly distancing itself from its Jewish culture and religious heritage. It sees itself as a secular government of its citizens, and moves are being made to completely separate Religion and State by disenfranchising and defunding religious institutions. It has also embarked on a policy of appeasement, of international anti-Israel opinion and terror organizations, by large scale forced transfer of mostly religious Jewish population centers in a government policy called "turning inward".

In spite of these aggressive moves against various religious communities within the Land of Israel, the nascent Sanhedrin is interested in lobbying for reform within the existing government institutions, this court is dedicated to this effort.

In March 21, 2006, the nascent Sanhedrin declared that continued support of the Sanhedrin for the political and public institutions in the future is dependent on the actions of the elected officials to work towards the enactment of a Torah "Basic Law" [Constitution], in accordance which this formula: "Laws which are contrary to the laws of the Torah are not laws of the Jewish people, and therefore they are invalid. Any law which is contrary to the laws of Torah, legislated by the "Knesset" (including legislated amendments) or interpreted as such by judicial sources is a disqualified law. The authority to decide in these matters has been unconditionally expropriated by the central religious court based on the Torah (Bible) [the Sanhedrin]."

Leading Justices

Rabbi Yisrael Ariel-s.jpg
Rabbi Yisrael Ariel A former Yeshiva head and founder of the Machon Hamikdash. Rabbi Ariel was the Rosh Yeshiva and spiritual leader of Yamit. Rabbi Ariel is a scholar of great renown, and is also the author of many Hebrew works, including the highly acclaimed "Atlas of the Biblical Boundaries of the Land of Israel." He served in the paratrooper brigade which liberated the Western Wall in the Six Day War of 1967, and was one of the first soldiers to reach the Wall.
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Rabbi Mordekhai Avrahami
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Rabbi Yishai Ba'avad General Secretary of Rabbis of Yehudah and Shomeron regions.
Rabbi Dov Abraham Ben-Shorr-s.jpg
Rabbi Dov Avraham Ben-Shorr is the founder and dean of Beith David Yeshiva. He is an author, shohet, mohel, and sofer stam. Past articles by this author include "Removing the Labels, Finding Unity" and "A Tale of Two Camps". He was born in Cleveland, Ohio, lives with his family in the community of Ma´aleh (Pnei) Hever near Hebron.
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Rabbi Meir Yaaqov Ha-Levi Haqaq
Rabbi Yishayahu Hollander-s.jpg
Rabbi Yeshayahu [Julius] HaKohen Hollander. Editor of a new publication of Talmud Bavli with Rashi embedded, previously he was a Ram in Yeshivat Hesder. He learned at Yeshiva Poneviz and Kollel Valozin, and merited to study under Rabbi Yitzhak Kolitz z"l, Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem. He holds a M.Sc. Theoretical Physics at Hebrew University and is a licensed Patent Attorney with twenty five years in industry. He was a general manager of Heled Educational Experiences and taught in Ricanati School for Economics at Tel Aviv University. Born in New York in 1937, came to Israel in 1948.
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Rabbi Elitzur Segal
Rabbi Hillel Weiss-s.jpg
Rabbi Hillel Weiss Professor of Jewish literature, in the Department of the Literature of the Jewish People in the Faculty of Jewish Studies in Bar Ilan University. He is an active member of Professors for a Strong Israel, working to advance Israel’s political and economic independence.

Legal Rulings & Opinions

Relationship to the Nascent Sanhedrin

The Developing Sanhedrin consists of the nascent Sanhedrin, several subcourts and more than a dozen committees.[2]

The "Special Court for Matters Concerning the Nation and the State" functions within the charter it has been given in 2005 by the "Special Court for the Executive Oversight of the Sanhedrin", but it occasionally functions independently. Views expressed by these subcourts, in general, have not be reviewed by the nascent Sanhedrin and as such they carry only the authority that a regular Jewish court of law or committee would hold.

Besides its normal function, the "Special Court for Matters Concerning the Nation and the State" is expected to develop "expert legal opinions" and "legal briefs" that may be used at a future date when a full sanhedrin may decide on these issues. Until that time, their views do not necessarily reflect the binding decision of a Sanhedrin, or even the views of all the members of the Sanhedrin Initiative.

External Links

The following links represent some initiatives to restore traditional Jewish government to the people of Israel. They are not in any way related or endorsed by the nascent Sanhedrin, but are often of interest to its English speaking visitors.

The following links are to the secular government which exercises civil authority in the majority of the Land of Israel


  1. See Organizational structure of the Sanhedrin
  2. See Organization of the Sanhedrin

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