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Hachrazah 5770 Kislev 3

Informal translation from Hebrew of the 3 Kislev, 5770 (20 November 2009) statement:

Special Court for Matters Concerning the Nation and the State
Secretary: Rabbi Amnon Hever Tel: 054-9400909

3 Kislev, 5770

Decision on the matter of Tzvia Sariel
And accompanying decisions regarding arranging court hearings

Background: Tzvia Sariel, a symbol of faith and faithfulness to Torah and the Land, is again imprisoned.

Tzvia Sariel was arrested a few times during her struggle for the settlement of the Land of Israel and prevention of its destruction. She persists in this. Tzvia does not recognize the authority of a court that ignores the laws of Torah. In particular, after she experienced that the judicial system in Israel represents an agenda designed to remove Israel from its land, and that the courts do not protect from this agenda.

Three weeks ago, Tzvia Sariel was arrested as she protected a 17 year old girl, resident of Ramat Migron, from the barbarous acts of the police and other security forces which evacuated the community.

Tzvia Sariel and her friends were arrested due to false claims, for example that they refused to be identified, and were forced to get undressed by female police officers, under the claim that they might be carrying drugs or weapons, and therefore needed to undergo an embarrassing full body search, whose only reason is to abuse the detainees.

A year ago, after an extended unwarranted detention which lasted three and a half months, Tzvia Sariel was released after it was revealed in court the blood libel cooked up against her by the authorities, by enlisting Arabs in order to incriminate her. The Torah Court for Matters of Nation and State, headed by Rabbi Yisrael Ariel, on the 7th of Adar Bet 5768 (14th of March, 2008) ordered the prison authorities to bring the young woman before the Court. The jailers indeed followed the court order and brought the young woman, under heavy guard, to the Court.

The Court ordered her immediate release after it was proven, not just of her complete innocence, but her righteousness, purity of heart, and integrity.

Usually, it is very difficult to prove the libels of the authorities, however in this case, after two days, in the court of Judge Nava Bechor, it was proven, against their will, of her complete innocence. The young woman was released.

Judge Bechor noted in her decision that the Mukhtar of the neighboring village of Alon Moreh admitted that he was urged by threats by Major Iyad Amar to enter Alon Moreh and to orchestrate an olive harvest when it wasn’t time. The 80-year old Mukhtar was loaded in to a vehicle of the Civil Administration together with other elderly individuals, and they were instructed to harass young girls inside Alon Moreh with a harvest display. Tzvia Sariel and her friends forcefully informed the guests that they are not wanted, and then the people from the Civil Administration jumped upon them and arrested them.

The officer has still not been put on trial, which shows that the man knew that his lies would gain backing of his superiors and the entire system.

Unlike Judge Bechor, Judge Miriam Lifschitz, in front of whom Tzvia Sariel was brought for an extension of detention, ordered the continued detention of Sariel, and it is likely that she knew that the claims in the charges were lies. The judge indeed allowed her to go free if Tzvia would give fingerprints, but before this, she also accepted the claims of a policeman that Tzvia’s identity was not known. Tzvia Sariel announced that she would not cooperate in the Judicial System’s display of crimes and lies.

To our dismay, this is indeed spoiled fruit of cooperation between the police and the Judicial System. The police called Tzvia Sariel’s mother on the day of her arrest and informed her of her daughter’s incarceration, and thus the police admitted that they knew the young woman’s identity.

Tzvia Sariel’s fingerprints were taken by force a long time ago, and the combination of these claims is only meant to degrade, humiliate and break the young woman’s spirit.

It pains us that Judge Miriam Lifschitz places herself and the honor of her position, retroactively, in the service of the police. It will not thus be done in Israel, for one to abuse another, to embarrass a daughter of Israel, wherein all the honor of a daughter of the king is inside, to abandon her to the fist of wickedness. Just like the brothers of Matityahu’s daughter, her Jewish brothers are commanded to save her from distress and incarceration.

Judge Lifschitz, who is a religious woman, profanes the name of Heaven, as she turns herself to a governmental arm acting purposefully against Jews due to their remaining faithful to the redemption of the nation and land.

Therefore, Tzvia Sariel’s stance, that she does not recognize the system for practical and Torah reasons together, is correct. We see in Tzvia Sariel’s behavior a good example for the masses.

The Jewish Public is called to unite around Torah courts in every place in order to fulfill the basic command:

Deuteronomy 17:18 – Judges and officers you shall place for yourselves in all of your gates that Hashem your G-d gives you.

Deuteronomy 17:20 – Justice justice you shall pursue, so that you might live and inherit the land that Hashem your G-d gives you.

As long as there is not proper justice in the Land, we will not be able to inherit it.

As it says:

Isaiah 1:27 – Zion will be redeemed with justice, and its returnees in righteousness.

Rabbi Yisrael Ariel - Head of the Court
Rabbi Dov Stein
Rabbi Hillel Weiss

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