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Psak 5768 Adar II 9

Informal translation from Hebrew of the 9 Adar II, 5768 (16 March 2008) statement:

Special Court for Matters Concerning the Nation and the State
(Operating autonomously)

Court Ruling concerning Tzvia Sariel

The Special Court for Matters Concerning the Nation and the State under the auspices of the Sanhedrin held session to deliberate in the matter of Tzvia Sariel - today - Friday, the seventh of Adar Bet, close to the beginning of the Sabbath. This is contrary to [normal practice of] Jewish Law, which indicates that that a court should not sit in deliberation on the eve of the Sabbath. However, because of the fact that this touches on matters dealing with the immediate needs of a person's welfare, an extra-ordinary session of the court was held.

In consideration of the fact that the prison services did not bring the young lady at the time that was appointed by justice of the Magistrates court in Netanya, Smadar Kalander Abramovitch - instead of 12:00, the young lady was brought before the court at 14:00 - this summary is given in brief. In the future, a formal summary will be issued.

Tzvia Sariel served notice in the secular court of her right to be tried in a court according to Jewish Law. The Rabbinical Court concludes, however, that Tzvia Sariel is being mistreated while in prison [even though no charges have been brought against her] in an attempt to embitter her stay in there: placed in solitary confinement four times, restricted reading rights, restricted movement, etc. The imprisonment is nothing more than a punishment for her faithfulness to the Bible. Tzvia Sariel can not pay the price for the struggle of principles of the [Israeli] court system.

The Rabbinic Court concludes through the testimony of Tzvia Sariel and the court protocols of the civil court, that there is no factual basis for her to remain in jail any longer - especially in light of the fact that the civil court justice's determination that the indictment must be changed.

In light of the above, the Special Court for Matters Concerning the Nation and the State determines that justice requires her immediate release.

Unfortunately, this case is just one of many unpreventable clashes between the [Israeli] court system and the religiously observant public, particularly those who live in the Judea and Samaria [areas] and are fighting for their lives in the Land of Israel. In light of the above, it is suggested to setup a system with participants from both the Judicial System and the Court for Matters of Nation and State, in order to minimize the friction between the Laws of Torah and the Laws of State.

Furthermore, this court is of the opinion, that according to Jewish Law, every day and every hour that Tzvia Sariel sits in prison is absolute injustice to the young lady, and a dark stain upon the Israeli court system. This court, functions as it does according to Jewish Law, declares that [Tzvia Sariel] must be released immediately, without further conditions, and the indictment should be dropped.

"[If thou shalt do this thing, and G-d command thee so, then thou shalt be able to endure,] and all this people also shall go to their place in peace." (Exodus 18:23)

"Zion shall be redeemed with true justice, and her captives of with righteousness" (Isaiah 1:27)


Rabbi Yisrael Ariel - Chief Justice
Rabbi Chaim Richman - Justice
Rabbi Dov Stein - Justice
Rabbi Prof. Hillel Weiss - Justice
Rabbi Pinchas Angel - Justice
Rabbi Meir Hai Haqaq Halevi - Justice
R' Noam Federman - Secretary

Click here to see the Hebrew version


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