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Hachrazah 5770 Adar 4

Informal translation from Hebrew of the 4th Adar, 5770 (18 February 2010) statement:

Special Court for Matters Concerning the Nation and the State
Secretary: Rabbi Amnon Hever Tel: 054-9400909

B"H 4 Adar, 5770

Month of reversals, when Jews vanquish their enemies[1]

Order for the canceling of [construction freeze] laws

The Court for Matters of Nation and State, under the auspices of the Sanhedrin, rules that the laws of the [construction] freeze [in Judah and Shamron areas of Israel] are immoral, discriminatory laws based on Israel-hatred, lacking all judicial force. Anyone who acts and obeys them imposes upon himself banishment and excommunication.

Any legal personage, Knesset member, public figure, member of the security forces or Civil Administration who works in the planning and execution of destruction of buildings in the Land of Israel as per the freeze policies of the current government will need to give accounting in heaven and earth. Any rabbi who closes his eyes to avoid seeing evil is not a rabbi.

Such people should not receive aliyas to the Torah. It is forbidden to join them in to a prayer quorum, since they have left Israel as long as they have not turned from their evil ways.

We call to anyone that can thwart and prevent execution of these orders at any stage, that they not hesitate to interfere with the 'council of the wicked'.[2]

It is forbidden to turn to Israeli Secular Courts

The status of the [secular] High Court of Justice and its accompanying damages are becoming more clear. As the donkey of Bilam, they have opened their mouths, even those whose mouths until today were full of water. In their trouble, also those that throw their shoes reveal the true status of the institution. It all proves that the nation of Israel has no ability to survive without a general Court based on Biblical principles which represents all of Israel, and all of Israel is subservient to it, per the laws of Torah. We again wish to strengthen the original stance of Minister Yaakov Ne’eman for the application of Rabbinical Jurisprudence as the basis for law in the State of Israel.

We again announce that any law of the Knesset, or any regulation, or court ruling which is in conflict with Torah law has no validity. The [secular] High Court’s decision on the matter of the destruction of the Yuval neighborhood of Eli and the home of Major Ro’i Klein, who sacrificed his life for the nation of Israel, has similar results to that of terrorism.

The High Court and its decisions endanger the existence of the nation more than the condemning Goldstone Report does. Goldstone himself is a friend of the judges in the High Court, and it appears that he got some of his ideas from his friends, and that is expressed in his report.

Therefore, per what we have already decided in the past, it is obligatory for every Jew to exclude himself from the secular Israeli judicial system in every matter. It is forbidden to use them and their laws, and anyone who does, it is as if he raises a hand against the Torah of Moses, except in cases where one is sued in their court, or in order to save the oppressed and stolen from the oppressor, after getting permission from the Court.[3]

We again call to all the communities in the Land of Israel to set up courts of three and twenty three per the Torah, everything according to the place and time, and to inform the Sanhedrin on their setup. It is better to go to three G-d fearing Jews who are not experts than to go to the secular court system.

This instruction should be viewed as a decree of the Sanhedrin.

Rabbi Yisrael Ariel – Head of the Court
Rabbi Hillel Weiss
Rabbi Dov Stein

Click here to see the Hebrew version


  1. The Jewish mont of Adar is known in Jewish literature as 'Month of reversals, when Jews vanquish their enemies'
  2. Psalm 1:1
  3. Laws of Sanhedrin, Maimonides, Mishneh Torah

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