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<big>Legal Adjudication for Soldiers</big><br>
<big>Legal Adjudication for Soldiers</big><br>
Advisory Committee<br>
Advisory Committee<br>
Tel: 02-5661962, cell 050-6733831, fax: 057-7976007<br>
Secretary: Rabbi Amnon Hever Tel: 054-9400909<br>
Email: 47 Rachel Imeinu St. Jerusalem 93228<br>

Latest revision as of 18:49, 7 August 2023

These Reports, Analysis & Opinions have have been submitted to the Sanhedrin in an advisory capacity only, and may or may not reflect the official position of the Sanhedrin. They are the work of the esteemed experts in their field, and are included here to indicate the kind of questions being handled by the Sanhedrin.

Informal translation from Hebrew of the 29 Cheshvon, 5770 (16 November 2009) statement:

Legal Adjudication for Soldiers
Advisory Committee
Secretary: Rabbi Amnon Hever Tel: 054-9400909

Sanhedrin Study Program (curricula)

Study Curriculum (study program) of the Sanhedrin can be given to suitable lecturers.

1. Reason for studies:

The Rambam determined that the lost of the war against the Romans stemmed from a lack of public preparation to be professional soldiers. Accordingly, a curriculum recommended herein which develops understanding war as a first step to professional preparation to being a soldier.

  1. Studying the nation of Israel’s struggle to uphold religious freedom and national independence.
  2. Studying the concepts of military history, in tactics and in strategy, and in analyzing wars, battles and combat.
  3. Detailed reconstruction of wars, battles, and combat from the formative period of the religion and nation of Israel.
  4. Studying the lessons from wars, battles, and combat.

2. Subjects of the Course

  1. What is military history
  2. Ancient war codes
  3. Geo-strategic analysis of the ancient Middle East
  4. Abraham’s pursuit of the northern kings
  5. The wars of Joshua bin-Nun
  6. The war of Deborah and Barak against Sisera
  7. The war of Gideon against the Midianites
  8. The wars against Amalek
  9. The wars of King Saul against the Philistines
  10. The wars of King David
  11. The Maccabean wars
  12. The Great Revolt against the Romans
  13. The war of Massada
  14. The Bar Kochba Rebellion
  15. The relevance of wars in the Bible and the Talmud until our days.


  1. Abramski, S. “The War of Freedom of Massada”, Machanaim, 7, 5724
  2. Efal Y., “Fighting methods of the children of Israel in the period of Conquest and Settling”, Machanaim, 79, 5752
  3. Vilnai Z., “The Roman Army in the Land of Israel”, Machanaim, 37, 5719
  4. Yadin, Y., “The Art of War in the Biblical Lands”, Bi”l company, 5723
  5. Millstein, A, “Collapse, and its Lesson”, Seridut, fourth edition, 2003
  6. Gafni, S. “The Battle of Kfar Shalem and the New Battle”, Machanaim, 34, 5718
  7. Plusar, D., “The Bar Kochba Rebellion and its Results”, Machanaim 59, 5721
  8. Kanel, B., “The Wars of Saul and David”, Machanaim, 69, 5752
  9. Schwartz, M., “War Methods in the book of Joshua in Particular, and the Ancient Period in General”, Machanaim, 69, 5752.
  10. Avi Yona, M., Sifrai, S, (Editors), Carta Atlas of the 2nd Temple Period, the Mishnah and Talmud, Jerusalem, 1966.
  11. Sources in the Bible, Mishnah, Talmud, Midrash, and Halacha

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