Issues on the agenda to be discussed a future sessions
- New elections and appointments of judicial, diplomatic and administrative officers.
- Formation of a framework for collaboration between scholars of Jewish Law and scientific academics on various scientific subjects from the standpoint of halacha, for example:
- Concerning the laws of kashrus, measurement of food absorption in utensils taking into account the materials from which they were made.
- The determination, for the purposes of Jewish Law, the moment of death [which has significant implications in donor transplants].
- Organ transplants, procedures and their halachic implications.
- Foreign languages in legal testimony, and its use in liturgy and ritual obligations.
- An examination of the possibilities to provide for a correction in the Jewish Calendar, as it begins to deviate to a point greater than what is permitted according to the Torah and Jewish Law.
- Efforts towards unity and healing among the various divisions of the people of Israel.
- The examination of the method and application of drawing close members of the Jewish nation who have become distant [from their faith and traditions].
- Responding to the expiration of the time-limited legal decrees of Rabbeinu Gershom (prohibiting polygamy, etc), [which were decreed for 1000 years and expired a few years ago].
- The Jewish status and conversion of the "lost tribes of Israel", maranos and other forced converts.
- Confronting the demoralization of society.
- Being available to support the developing Bnei Noah movement, that it should become a leading faith in the world.