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Hachrazah 5769 Iyyar 24

Informal translation from Hebrew of the Iyyar 24 5769 (18 May 2009) statement:

Special Court for Matters Concerning the Nation and the State
Secretary: Rabbi Amnon Hever Tel: 054-9400909

National Conference on Imminent Threats to the Nation

G-d willing, next Tuesday, the 25th of Iyar 5769, at 1:30pm-4:15pm, there will be a public discussion at Beit haKnesset haKlali in Katamon on Chizkiyahu haMelech 29 in Jerusalem (next to Misgav Ladach hospital).

Danger 1 - The vast tank of ammonia, of 14000 tons in the Haifa bay.

Far more dangerous than an nuclear bomb found today in the arsenal of the nations.
Lecturer: Prof. Yitzchak Segel of the Technion, 1:30pm-2:30pm.

Danger 2 - The threat of nuclear weapons from a practical perspective.

Even though nuclear weapons have the unprecented and frightening capability of instantaneous destruction, regardless, it is limited. Fears of the public regarding the effects of a nuclear attack, or nuclear war are exaggerated to a large extent. A clear understanding of the these ramifications are crucial to proper management of emergency resources and to the survival of the nation.
Lecturer: Dr. Yehoshua Sokol of Falcon Analytics, 2:30pm-3:30pm.

Initial Open Halachic Discussion, members of the Beit Din and attending Talmidei Chachamim, 3:30pm-4:15pm.

  • Limits of economic development due to safety.
  • Evaluation of rate of danger to the public.
  • Limits of the obligation of Aliyah to the Land in dangerous situations.
  • Is there a halachic punishment system for those that endanger the public?
  • Is it allowed (and when is it allowed), per halachah, for a person to take, with dangerous circumstances, the law in to his own hands?

Click here to see the Hebrew version


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