הסנהדרין הסנהדרין

הכרזה תשס"ה אייר כ"ח

ועדת מחקר לאיכון המיקום המדויק של המקדש והמזבח
טל. 02-5661962, נייד 050-6733831, פקס. 057-7976007
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חברים של הסנהדרין עולים להר הבית

דף בבנייה

The Sanhedrin's Decision Regarding the Holy Temple, the Temple Mount, and Jerusalem

28 Iyar 5765

The Sanhedrin calls upon all groups who work in the area of Temple and Temple Mount-related research and activity, to begin to prepare detailed architectural plans for the construction of the Holy Temple, towards the goal of its establishment in its proper place.

The Sanhedrin will establish a forum of architects and engineers whose goal will be to implement this decision, so that detailed working plans are effectively brought to an operational stage.

The Sanhedrin calls upon the Jewish people to contribute towards the acquisition of materials for the purpose of rebuilding the Holy Temple; the gathering and preparation of prefabricated, disassembled portions of this building to be stored and ready for rapid assembly, in the manner of King David. These contributions will be consider "chulin," i.e., non-sacred, for the purpose of the planning and construction of the Temple.

Prof. Hillel Weiss
R. Chaim Richman Spokesmen for the Sanhedrin

המסמך המקורי בעברית (pdf)

הערות שוליים