הסנהדרין הסנהדרין

בית הדין לעניני בני נוח

תפקיד בית הדין הוא לקדם את פרשנות התורה בנושאים של בני נוח, לארגן את כל בני האדם בעולם להיות שומרי המצוות בהן נצטווה נוח.

דף בבנייה


פסקי דין וחוויות דעת עד היום

ניהול, פיקוח, והתיחסות להסנהדרין המתפתחת

הערות שוליים


  • The online broadcast - The presentation of Rabbi Schwartz' book "Light to the Nations" live on Turkish TV and radio. (1 December 2009)
  • "Believers" Accepting the Laws of Noah (November 2009) The nascent Sanhedrin’s court for Noahides held a ceremony in which four gentiles declared their acceptance to take upon themselves the seven laws of Noah to become “righteous gentiles”,
  • Noahides 2.0: Internet fuels non-Jewish interest in the Seven Laws of Noah Jack Saunders on a journey that eventually led to his embrace of the Torah and Jewish teachings. JTA, June 22, 2009
  • Noahides Warmly Welcomed Along Unfamiliar Journey Non-Jews took vows in Jerusalem this week, and judges in the new court of Jewish law known as the "Sanhedrin" deemed them full-fledged Noahides. Arutz-7 (Sivan 11, 5769, June 3, 2009)
  • A7Radio: A Revolutionary Show for the Nations of the World Jim Long, appointed by the Sanhedrin as spokesman of the High Council of Noahides (Bnei Noach), joins us in the studio to discuss Jewish, Gentiles and the path that led him to the G-d of Israel. (4 Sivan 5766, 31/05/06) (Arutz-7)
  • On A7Radio: Sefirat HaOmer - Counting Every Day of Our Lives Counting, telling, and recalling our own life's story in the Torah. Rabbi Chaim Richman and Yitzchak Reuven discuss conflicting feelings about Israel Independence Day. Don't get confused; it's not Hashem's fault! (3 Iyar 5766, 01/05/06) (Arutz-7)
  • His name is: Jim Long Meet Jim Long, author of the book 'The Riddle of the Exodus' which shows proof that the story of the Exodus really happened as told in the Torah.(17 Tevet 5766, 17/01/06) (Arutz-7)
  • B´nai Noach Stand Before Sanhedrin, Request Approval For Council The developing Sanhedrin, a project undertaken by leading rabbis from diverse religious groups to reestablish the Great Court, Judaism's highest legal authority, convened Monday to ordain a Noahide Council. (10 Tevet 5766, 10/01/06) (Arutz-7)
  • Sanhedrin Recognizes Council to Teach Humanity ´Laws of Noah´ A group of non-Jewish delegates have come to Jerusalem to pledge their loyalty to the Laws of Noah. They appeared before the nascent Sanhedrin, which established a High Council for B'nai Noach. (9 Tevet 5766, 09/01/06) (Arutz-7)
  • Sanhedrin to Hold Session With Worldwide Noahides Monday The Sanhedrin project will meet Monday in a session open to the general public. The session, attended by representatives of the B'nei Noah movement from around the globe, will deal with, "The Covenant of B'nei Noah and Their Pact." (8 Tevet 5766, 08/01/06) (Arutz-7)
  • בני נוח - אלטרנטיבה לאיסלם ולנצרות יש אלטרנטיבה לאיסלם ולנצרות והיא מעוגנת היטב בתורה - בני נוח. הם אינם יהודים, אך קיבלו על עצמם לקיים שבע מצוות, שקיבל נוח אחרי המבול. בחודש טבת יסמיך הסנהדרין מועצה עליונה שתאגד את בני נוח בעולם. (ח' תשרי תשס"ו, 11/10/05) (Arutz-7)
  • Jewish Roots of the American Constitution by Prof. Paul Eidelberg. Arutz-7 (11/30/05)
  • Sanhedrin Moves to Establish Council For Noahides B'nai Noach, literally "Children of Noah," known as Noahides, are non-Jews who take upon themselves the Torah's obligations for non-Jews - consisting of seven laws passed on from Noah following the flood, as documented in Genesis(24 Elul 5765, 28/09/05) (Arutz-7)
  • Kabbalist Blesses Jones: Now´s the Time to Find Holy Lost Ark The famed archaeologist, the inspiration for the “Indiana Jones” movie series, has spent most of his life searching for the Ark of the Covenant. The ark was the resting place of the Ten Commandments, given to the Jewish people at Mount Sinai, and was hidden just before the destruction of the First Temple. (9 Iyar 5765, 18/05/05) (Arutz-7)
  • Israel, the Nations & Agreements Arutz-7 (07/24/03)


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