Sponsors and Friends
List of sponsors and friends with links to websites.
Here is a list of the major websites either sponsored by the Sanhedrin Initiative, or supportive of that initiative.
- Renewal of Semichas Chochomim A project of the Sanhedrin Initiative, this project aims to renew Semicha in Israel, six attempts have been made.
- The Sanhedrin Project This forum is about the re-established Jewish Sanhedrin. The Sanhedrin is the name given in the mishna to the council of seventy-one Jewish sages who constituted the supreme court and legislative body in Judea during the Roman period. It continued to function for more than four hundred years after the destruction of the Temple and there have been several orthodox attempts to re-establish it since that time. The current attempt to re-establish the Sanhedrin is generally referred to as the "nascent Sanhedrin", or the "developing Sanhedrin".
- Sanhedrin Court of Nation and State The purpose of this court is to rule on disputes between citizens and the state.
- Jerusalem Court for Issues of Bnei Noah The purpose of this forum is to publicize and discuss the decisions of the Jerusalem Court, which rules on legal aspects of issues concerning Bnei Noah: biblical and internationally recognized principles as a basis for legal reciprocity in international law.
- The Sanhedrin Initiative This facebook group is dedicated to the history, development and attempts to re-establishment the Jewish Sanhedrin within Jewish Law (halacha). Its goal is to discuss, research and document how the Sanhedrin operated in history and how a full Sanhedrin could operate in the near future - particularly in terms of a detailed study of Jewish Law (halacha), and the transformation of the historical body into a modern legislature. It reflects the combined efforts of hundreds of loyalists, supporters, not-yet supporters, and many who are just interested in the idea of a Sanhedrin. Please become a member and contribute to whatever you have to offer to the effort of establishing truly Jewish leadership in our time. It is not necessary to be Orthodox, or even Jewish, to belong to these groups, but because the idea of a Sanhedrin derives from the Talmud, Rabbinic tradition and Jewish law, one must accept the legitimacy of these fundamental assumptions to contribute meaningfully to the discussions. This facebook group corresponds to the website TheSanhedrin.NET
Websites Sponsored by the Sanhedrin Initiative
The Emerging Sanhedrin
This website is about the re-established Jewish Sanhedrin. The Sanhedrin is the name given in the mishna to the council of seventy-one Jewish sages who constituted the supreme court and legislative body in Judea during the Roman period. It continued to function for more than four hundred years after the destruction of the Temple and there have been several orthodox attempts to re-establish it since that time. The current attempt to re-establish the Sanhedrin is generally referred to as the "nascent Sanhedrin", or the "developing Sanhedrin".
Annual Sanhedrin Convention
On 10 Adar 5767,(February 28th, 2008) more than 1,000 people came to take their place in the Tzibur Bnei Yisrael 3-in-1 Purim Event:
- Sanhedrin Conference
- “Businesses on the Front Line” Sale
- Inspirational Concert: “One Person, One Heart”
Now is the time to join Tzibur Bnei Yisrael!
Korban Pesach: Becoming a People
"Each year, Jews make feverish and intensive preparations for the Passover holiday with the Seder as its centerpiece. However, we are still missing the true centerpiece of the Passover table: namely the Paschal Offering, or Korban Pesach.
Korban Pesach is a Biblical commandment of the highest order, with the command repeated and amplified to us in three different places: Exodus 12, 3-12, Numbers 9, 1-13 and Deuteronomy 16.
Just as circumcision, the first commandment imposed on an individual Jew, our forefather Abraham brought us into the covenant as individuals, the commandment of Korban-Pesach, the first commandment imposed on the Jewish People as a collective - obligating men, women and even children - brings us into the covenant as a People.
Websites of Supporters of the Sanhedrin
The following represent inititives by members of the Sanhedrin, not under the direct supervision of the nascent Sanhedrin. Disclaimer: They are not necessarily endorsed by the nascent Sanhedrin, and may contain information contrary to the position of the nascent Sanhedrin.
Friends of the Sanhedrin
TheSanhedrin.net is published by "Friends of the Sanhedrin" located in Boston, Massachusetts. This website was created to provide translations, context, history, halacha, discussions and explanations along with various other interesting information about the nascent Sanhedrin.
While not under the auspices of the nascent Sanhedrin, this website collects information from public sources as well as interviews with members of the nascent Sanhedrin, to provide a fuller picture of the workings of this institution.
School of Government
School of Government is an independent educational institution, established to cast the light of Torah upon the question of Jewish Government. It will prepare the future bearers of public office to serve the nation.
Prominent personalities are grouped in the Academic Staff of Lishkat HaGazit.
The Curriculum is currently available only in Hebrew.
The Kingship of Israel
This website is designed to increase the awareness of the Jewish people and Torah scholars towards the mitzvah of appointing a king. They publish halachic and academic articles on the subject of the kingship. They engage in the genealogical research of those families who claim to have Davidic roots.
The Temple Institute
The Temple Institute, founded in 1987, is a non-profit educational and religious organization located in Jerusalem. The Institute is dedicated to every aspect of the Biblical commandment to build the Holy Temple on Mount Moriah in Jerusalem. Our short-term goal is to rekindle the flame of the Holy Temple in the hearts of mankind (Jew and non-Jew) through education.
Our long-term goal is to do all in our limited power to bring about the building of the Holy Temple in our time.
Kehila Emunit
This hebrew language website, together with Makor Rishon, are generally one of the first places you can see press releases for the Sanhedrin Initiative.
Non-Jewish Friends of the Sanhedrin
The following represent inititives by Bnei Noach groups which recognize the Sanhedrin. These websites are are not under the direct supervision of the nascent Sanhedrin. Disclaimer: They are not necessarily endorsed by the nascent Sanhedrin, and may contain information contrary to the position of the nascent Sanhedrin.
What is Bnei Noach?
The Biblical, Monotheistic, Abrahamic faith, that was common among non-Jews who lived in or around Israel for hundreds of years until the destruction of the second Temple, is called in Rabbinic literature "the Covenant of Bnei Noah" or the "Noahide" faith. This system of belief is thought by some scholars to be the root of Christianity and Islam, as it is referred to both in the New Testament and the Qur'an.
Judaism does not view itself as a universal religion, instead it sees itself as a national faith. This is understood within the context of the Jewish teaching that there are seventy nations or groups of people in the world. Each group of people must develop its own form of worship, unique to its own character. There is however a basic minimum common to all proper faiths, and this is the Noahide teachings. The Sanhedrin is required to play a role in helping to clarify these most basic teachings, and each group of people in turn must set up its own religious court to expand, develop and adapt these laws to fit the needs of its community of believers.
The history of the Noahide movement is difficult to trace outside of the Ger Toshav of the Tanach. The movement, which seemed to be thriving before the destruction of the Second Temple, was nearly non-existent after the rise of Christianity in the Roman Empire. Rabbi Bindman mentions that a memorial tablet was found in a synagogue in Turkey that "has two separate groups of names: one is of Jews, but the other is of Greeks ... and it [the list of Greeks] is headed with the words, 'and also these Fearers of the One...' A similar inscription has also been found in the synagogue of Sardis, this time with three groups of names: born Jews, full converts to Judaism, and observers of the Seven Laws. The 'Fearers' are mentioned many times by the Roman commentators and historians." Deuteronomy Rabbah (II:24) attests to the existence of G-d Fearers in general, and a particular G-d Fearer in the Roman Senate. Domitian, son of Vespasian complained that the city of Rome was full of Jews. It seems possible that many of those he believed to be Jew were in fact G-d Fearers. According to Gedaliah Alon, Josephus also attests to the presence of G-d Fearers, who were said to have absorbed the Jewish love of work.
Rabbi Schwartz's Bnei Noah website
Beni-Noah.comRabbi Yoel Schwartz spoke on the topic of "B'nai Noah and World Peace."
"The Islamic Jihad against the world has restored religion to the center of the world's consciousness," Schwartz said. "Over 30 years ago, someone by the name of Eisenberg sent a proposal to the United Nations saying that there will never be world peace unless the citizens of the globe agree on certain principles of faith. It was adopted by the UN as one of its official documents but was not followed up upon and has since been forgotten. We are here today to follow up on that document and remind the UN why it exists. There will be world peace when the whole world agrees that there is one G-d. There are people who do not think what I am about to say is worthwhile, but I suggested years ago that we begin to translate our books, which are meant for the nations of the world, into Arabic as well [Schwartz has authored many books on practical observance for Noahides –ed.]. It is not by coincidence that we have this nation alongside us, surrounding and living inside the land upon our return to it, who also preserves the heritage of Abraham our father."
Schwartz has indeed translated his books to Arabic, with the help of an Arab man he met at a bus stop who asked him a Mishanaic question, telling him he had already translated the Mishna, a codification of Jewish oral law. He said the entire printing has been sold out. "Muslim parents have thanked me for teaching their child that there is a different way to heaven than becoming a shahid, a martyr," he said.
Rabbi Schwartz explained that although one of the purposes of the Jewish people's exile was to disseminate belief in the Torah's truths around the world, their return to Israel has brought with it the technology to redouble our efforts from here: "The moment we came to Israel, communication technology flourished. The telephone and radio spread rapidly, and computers and internet came soon after, changing the entire concept of communication and education. When we were in the exile, we were there to teach the world, and now that we have returned to the Land of Israel, G-d has given us the tools to do the work from here."
Questions to Rabbi Schwartz may be sent to: qa@beni-noah.com
en.WikiNoah.orgThis purpose of the Encyclopedia is to create a resource for the greater Bnei Noach community and those interested in the Bnei Noach movement.
It is intended to contain the sum total of everything worthwhile to know about the Bnei Noach movement, its theology, history and resources. What it is and what is is not.
This is a project of the United Noachide Council, Inc. The articles, information, and links provided on this site do not represent official policies, procedures, or opinions of BnaiNoach.com or any of its operational units. The information on this site have come from a variety of sources, including speeches, articles, tracts, and other presentations, and they have been composed over a period of time, and many are of historic interest, Religion interest, and human affairs interest. Also, writer's inclusion on this site does not imply his full agreement with all of the articles. Each writer is responsible only for his own stated views. Many of the articles on this web site have been included only for the viewers use in the comparison of differing views and beliefs.
They have started versions in Arabic, Hebrew, Italian, Spanish and Russian.
Noahide Nations
Noahide Nations is a world outreach organization that was created by Torah Centered Noahides. It is dedicated to those who are as well as those who wish to become Torah Centered Noahides.
Noahide Nations provides the organizational and technological means by which Noahides are able to connect and unite worldwide. They maintain:
- An online virtual Yeshiva
- The popular Noahide Nations Yahoo Group
- The Noahide Nations Audio Torah Network.
- Directories of Noahide Singles, Noahide Communities and Noahide Businesses
- Connections Network of B’nai Noach and B’nai Israel.
Ray Pettersen, founder, is a Co-Host on the Noahide Nations Radio Show on Israel National Radio.
In 2008, they have held the first World Conference of the Noahide Nations in Ft. Lauderdale, FL., U.S.A.
BeneNoach.infoQuesto è un sito sul NOACHISMO. Sono presenti informazioni sui "sette precetti NOACHIDI" collegati alla tradizione ebraica sull'argomento.
Il sito vuole essere anche uno strumento per la creazione di un gruppo noachide italiano.
Sono attivi i seguenti strumenti per dialogare:
- Forum di discussione: LA FINESTRA DEL RABBINO
- Gruppo Yahoo e mailing list: SITONOACHIDE
- Potete mandare una e-mail a:info@benenoach.info
- Potete scrivere i vostri commenti su ogni articolo del sito!
Comunidad Noahide Jasídica Venezuela
BneiNoaj.netComunidad de consulta e integración para Noájidas: gentiles que anhelan vivir de acuerdo a la voluntad del Creador en Su Toráh, y aproximar la Redención Foro General BneiNoaj. MERVIN ROMERO Director Internacional de Comunidad Noahide Jasídica BNOM KETER TORAH Fundada en San Juan de los Morros, Edo Guarico - Venezuela
Related links
People who visit the nascent Sanhedrin's website, also often visit these sites They represent some initiatives to restore a Biblical hertitage and culture to the Jewish People. They are often of interest to English speaking visitors to this site. Disclaimer: They are not in any way related, approved or endorsed by the nascent Sanhedrin, and may contain information contrary to the position of the nascent Sanhedrin.
Jewish Law - Examining halacha, Jewish Issues and Secular Law
In order to forge a better understanding of the interaction between Halacha and secular law, Jewish Law presents a wealth of information -- much of which is exclusive in cyberspace to this website -- on Halacha, Jewish issues and secular law. But Jewish Law seeks to accomplish more. We have designed this site not only as a research center in order to learn and acquire knowledge, but also as a place for people to "meet" and communicate with each other for professional networking purposes.
Articles comparing Jewish Law and American Secular Law
Jewish Law maintains an archive of articles concerning how Jewish law percieves American law. The articles are listed below, by topic and title:
Qualifications for a Jewish judge and the operation of the Sanhedrin
Key Concepts: Qualifications for a Jewish judge and the operation of the Sanhedrin. An excerpt from Rabbi Kaplan's Handbook of Jewish Thought.
The Sanhedrin (Geulah) Website
This website, in hebrew, describes the role of the Sanhedrin and is potential in modern Israeli society. It does not discuss the current nascent Sanhedrin.
The Israeli New Moon Society
One of the most important jobs of the Sanhedrin was fixing the Jewish Calendar. Today this is done by mathematical calculation. Yet there is a minority Rabbinic opinion that sightings with witnesses are still required. This society attempts to explore that need.
Davidic Dynasty, the Royal genealogy
Modern genealogical research into the lineage of King David and his descendants, including the medieval exilarchs, until the present day.
The Eternal House of David Family Reunion (May 28-30, 2007)
A Jewish gathering 3,000 years in the making. It is time to assemble the descendants of King Davd in a show of unity and promise for our people.
The Restored Holy Half-Shekel
Information relating to the restored Holy Half-Shekel -- from its history to its future, from the Exile to the Redemption -- the renewed availability of the Holy Half-Shekel will have an impact on all of contemporary Judaism, moving it one step closer to preparing for the Ultimate Redemption. A version of the half-Shekel may be purchased from this website.
Techelet (Biblical blue fringe)
Materials from all periods concerning Techelet and its uses, both ancient and current. Most of the source materials is in Hebrew. Techelet may be purchased from this website.
Ketoret (Incense of the Temple)
Ketoret spices, now made available in oil form, were especially prepared for use in the Havdallah ceremony. They may be purchased as a set of eleven small bottles from this website.